Latest Classes
Learn more through project and technique based classes.

Beautiful Fiber
Be inspired to knit, crochet and spin with lovely yarn and roving.

Quaint Acres Pure Harvest
Fresh from the mountains of WV, this soft and cuddly goodness is produced in partnership with Frostburg Fiber Depot.
Frostburg Fiber Depot is a specialty yarn and fiber crafts shop that’s passionate about teaching, inspiring, and supporting fiber artists in our beautiful college community of Frostburg, MD. As the sole distributor of Quaint Acres Alpacas, we’re dedicated to providing our customers with a well curated selection of American-made yarns and locally produced fibers that will appeal to the most discerning knitter or crocheter. Our store features a friendly, casual vibe that’s always buzzing with creative energy that beckons visitors to come in and stay a while. So whether you’re a knitting beginner, or you're interested in brushing up on your skills or just hanging out with fellow yarn crafting enthusiasts, you're always welcome at the Frostburg Fiber Depot! Read More...